The jdsym Module
The jdsym module provides an implementation of the JDSYM algorithm, that is
conveniently callable from Python. JDSYM is an eigenvalue solver to compute
eigenpairs of a generalised matrix eigenvalue problem of the form
(1)\[\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} = \lambda \mathbf{M} \mathbf{x}\]
or a standard eigenvalue problem of the form
(2)\[\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} = \lambda \mathbf{x}\]
where \(\mathbf{A}\) is symmetric and \(\mathbf{M}\) is symmetric
positive definite.
The module exports a single function:
jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, kmax, tau, jdtol, itmax, linsolver, **kwargs)
Implements Jacobi-Davidson iterative method to identify a given number of
eigenvalues near a target value.
Parameters : |
A: | the matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) in (1) or
(2). A must provide the shape attribute and
the matvec and matvec_transp methods. |
M: | the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\)
in (1). \(\mathbf{M}\) must provide the shape
attribute and the matvec and matvec_transp methods. If the
standard eigenvalue problem (2) is to be solved,
M should be set to None. |
K: | a preconditioner object that supplies the shape attribute and
the precon method. If no preconditioner is to used, then the
None value can be passed for this parameter. |
kmax: | the number of eigenpairs to be computed. |
tau: | the target value \(\tau\). Eigenvalues in the vicinity
of \(\tau\) will be computed. |
jdtol: | the convergence tolerance for
eigenpairs \((\lambda,\mathbf{x})\). The converged eigenpairs
have a residual \(\|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} - \lambda \mathbf{M}
\mathbf{x}\|_2\) less than jdtol. |
itmax: | an integer that specifies the maximum number of Jacobi-Davidson
iterations to perform. |
linsolver: | a function that implements an iterative method for solving
linear systems of equations. The function linsolver is required
to conform to the standards mentioned in Iterative Solvers. |
Keywords : |
jmax: | the maximum dimension of the search subspace (default: 25). |
jmin: | the dimension of the search subspace after a restart (default:
10). |
blksize: | the block size used in the JDSYM algorithm (default: 1). |
blkwise: | is an integer that affects the convergence criterion if
blksize is larger than 1 (default: 0). |
V0: | a NumPy array of rank one or two. It specifies the initial
search subspace (default: a randomly generated initial search
subspace). |
optype: | is an integer specifying the operator type used in the
correction equation. If optype=1, the non-symmetric version is
used. If optype=2, the symmetric version is used (default: 2). |
linitmax: | the maximum number of steps taken in the inner iteration
(iterative linear solver) (default: 200). |
eps_tr: | the tracking parameter (default: 1.0e-3). |
toldecay: | is a float value that influences the dynamic adaptation of
the stopping criterion of the inner iteration (default: 1.5). |
clvl: | verbosity level. The higher the clvl parameter, the more
output is sent to the standard output. clvl=0 produces no
output (default: 0). |
strategy: | is an integer specifying shifting and sorting strategy of
JDSYM. strategy=0 enables the default JDSYM
algorithm. strategy=1 enables JDSYM to avoid convergence to
eigenvalues smaller than \(\tau\) (default: 0). |
projector: | is used to keep the search subspace and the eigenvectors
in a certain subspace. The parameter projector can be any
Python object that has a shape attribute and a project
method. The project method takes a vector (a rank-1 NumPy
array) as its sole argument and projects that vector in-place. This
parameter can be used to implement the DIRPROJ and SAUG methods
(default: no projection). |
Returns: |
kconv: | the number of converged eigenpairs. |
lambda: | a rank-1 NumPy array containing the converged eigenvalues. |
Q: | a rank-2 NumPy array containing the converged eigenvectors. The
i-th eigenvector is accessed by Q[:,i]. |
it: | an integer indicating the number of Jacobi-Davidson steps
(outer iteration steps) performed. |
Example: Maxwell Problem
Update the timings below.
The timings below are Roman’s old benchmarks. We should run them
The following code illustrates the use of the jdsym module. Two
matrices \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{M}\) are read from files. A Jacobi
preconditioner from \(\mathbf{A} - \tau\mathbf{M}\) is built. Then the JDSYM
eigensolver is called, calculating 5 eigenvalues near 25.0 and the associated
eigenvalues to an accuracy of \(10^{-10}\). We set strategy=1
to avoid convergence to the high-dimensional null space of
(\(\mathbf{A}\), \(\mathbf{M}\)):
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.itsolvers import krylov
from pysparse.eig import jdsym
from pysparse.precon import precon
A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('edge6x3x5_A.mtx')
M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('edge6x3x5_B.mtx')
tau = 25.0
Atau = A.copy()
Atau.shift(-tau, M)
K = precon.jacobi(Atau)
A = A.to_sss(); M = M.to_sss()
k_conv, lmbd, Q, it = jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, 5, tau,
1e-10, 150, krylov.qmrs,
jmin=5, jmax=10, clvl=1, strategy=1)
This code takes 33.71 seconds to compute the five eigenpairs. A native
C version, using the same computational kernels, takes 35.64 for the same
task. We expected the Python version to be slower due to the overhead generated
when calling the matrix-vector multiplication and the preconditioner, but
surprisingly the Python code was even a bit faster.