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Introduction to Pysparse

PySparse extends the Python interpreter by a set of sparse matrix types holding double precision values. PySparse also includes modules that implement

  • Iterative Krylov methods for solving linear systems of equations,
  • Diagonal (Jacobi) and SSOR preconditioners,
  • Interfaces to direct solvers for sparse linear systems of equations (SuperLU and UMFPACK),
  • A Jacobi-Davidson eigenvalue solver for the symmetric, generalised matrix eigenvalue problem (JDSYM),
  • Low-level C classes to represent and manipulate sparse matrices,
  • High-level Python classes with operator overloading to perform usual operations on matrices.

Most of the above modules are implemented as C extension modules for maximum performance.

PySparse uses NumPy for handling dense vectors and matrices and uses SuperLU and UMFPACK for factorizing general sparse matrices.

Module Overview


The spmatrix module is the foundation of the Pysparse package. It extends the Python interpreter by three new types named ll_mat, csr_mat and sss_mat. These types represent sparse matrices in the LL-, the CSR- and SSS-formats respectively (see Sparse Matrix Formats). For all three formats, double precision values (C type double) are used to represent the nonzero entries. The common way to use the spmatrix module is to first build a matrix in the LL-format. The LL-matrix is manipulated until it has its final shape and content. Afterwards it may be converted to either the CSR- or SSS-format, which needs less memory and allows for fast matrix-vector multiplications. A ll_mat object can be created from scratch, by reading data from a file (in MatrixMarket format) or as a result of matrix operation (as e.g. a matrix-matrix multiplication). The ll_mat object supports manipulating (reading, writing, add-updating) single entries or sub-matrices. On the other hand, csr_mat and sss_mat matrices are not constructed directly, instead they are created by converting ll_mat objects. Once created, csr_mat and sss_mat objects cannot be manipulated. Their purpose is to support efficient matrix-vector multiplications.


The itsolvers module provides a set of iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations. The iterative methods are callable like ordinary Python functions. All these functions expect the same parameter list, and all function return values also follow a common standard. Any user-defined iterative solvers should also follow these conventions, since other PySparse modules rely on them (e.g. the jdsym module).

Currently the itsolvers module contains the following iterative methods: PCG, MINRES, QMRS, BICGSTAB and CGS.


The precon module provides preconditioners, which can be used e.g. for the iterative methods implemented in the itsolvers module or the JDSYM eigensolver (in the jdsym module). In the PySparse framework, any Python object that has the following properties can be used as a preconditioner:

  • a shape attribute, which returns a 2-tuple describing the dimension of the preconditioner,
  • a precon method, that accepts two vectors x and y, and applies the preconditioner to x and stores the result in y. Both x and y are double precision, rank-1 NumPy arrays of appropriate size.

The precon module currently implements m-step Jacobi and m-step SSOR preconditioners.


The superlu module interfaces the SuperLU library to make it usable by Python code. SuperLU is a software package written in C for the direct solution of a general linear system of equations. SuperLU computes LU-factorizations of general non-symmetric, sparse matrices with partial pivoting. It is also applicable to rectangular systems of equations.


The umfpack module interfaces the UMFPACK factorization package. UMFPACK computes the LU factorization of a general matrix with partial pivoting. It is also applicable to rectangular systems.

The main difference between the superlu and umfpack modules resides in the way the factorization is performed internally. SuperLU works with the concept of supernodes leading naturally to parallelism in the factorization. If available, a custom-built SuperLU library for multi-core processors can be supplied to Pysparse in place of the default library. Both factorization packages rely intensively on the BLAS to operate on dense sub-matrices. Provided the BLAS library supplied to Pysparse was compiled with multi-threading, some level of parallelism will also be available in UMFPACK. However, a rough empirical observation is that UMFPACK is often faster than SuperLU on mono-processor machines.


The jdsym module provides an implementation of the JDSYM algorithm, that is conveniently callable from Python. The JDSYM algorithm computes solutions of large sparse symmetric (genralised or standard) eigenvalue problems. JDSYM is an implementation of the Jacobi-Davidson method, optimized for symmetric matrices.


  • NumPy
  • Optionally, a custom-built UMFPACK and/or SuperLU

Installing Pysparse

python install

Testing Pysparse

From the Test directory, testSuperLU runs a series of tests to exercise the various options of the SuperLU direct solver:

$ python
          Test    RelErr       Tol    nnz(A)  nnz(L+U)    Fact   Solve
    poi1d-dflt  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.06    0.00
.   poi1d-size  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.05    0.00
.   poi1d-relx  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    200758    0.06    0.00
.   poi1d-trsh  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.06    0.00
.   poi1d-prm0  1.44e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.04    0.00
.   poi1d-prm1  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.07    0.00
.   poi1d-prm2  1.78e-12  2.25e-07     99999    199998    0.06    0.00
.   poi1d-prm3  1.44e-12  2.25e-07     99999    200000    0.06    0.00
.   poi2d-dftl  2.55e-16  3.60e-12    119600   1952434    0.47    0.02
.   poi2d-size  3.39e-16  3.60e-12    119600   1952434    0.42    0.02
.   poi2d-relx  2.60e-16  3.60e-12    119600   2000252    0.48    0.02
.   poi2d-trsh  2.55e-16  3.60e-12    119600   1952434    0.48    0.02
.   poi2d-prm0  2.69e-15  3.60e-12    119600  16000398    5.48    0.11
.   poi2d-prm1  7.00e-16  3.60e-12    119600   3506336    0.89    0.03
.   poi2d-prm2  2.55e-16  3.60e-12    119600   1952434    0.47    0.02
.   poi2d-prm3  2.24e-15  3.60e-12    119600   3472176    0.82    0.03
.   spdgs-trsh  4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     39998    0.01    0.00
.   spdgs-prm0  4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     40000    0.01    0.00
.   spdgs-prm1  4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     40002    0.01    0.00
.   spdgs-prm3  4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     40002    0.01    0.00
Ran 20 tests in 12.675s


There is a corresponding test script for UMFPACK, testUmfpack:

      RelErr       Tol    nnz(A)    nnz(L)    nnz(U)    Fact   Solve
    1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.13    0.01
.   1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.12    0.01
.   1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.12    0.01
.   1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.12    0.01
.   1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.12    0.01
.   1.44e-12  2.25e-07    149998     99999     99999    0.14    0.01
.   1.55e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1081911   1081911    0.54    0.03
.   1.55e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1081911   1081911    0.53    0.03
.   2.50e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1081911   1081911    0.53    0.03
.   2.50e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1081911   1081911    0.53    0.03
.   1.55e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1081911   1081911    0.53    0.03
.   1.64e-17  3.60e-12    199200   1489438   2166768    1.00    0.04
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.03    0.00
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.02    0.00
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.02    0.00
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.02    0.00
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.03    0.00
.   4.44e-16  2.22e-14     29998     19999     19999    0.02    0.00
Ran 18 tests in 8.486s

Generating the Documentation

To re-generate the documentation, Sphinx version 0.5 or higher must be installed. The jsMath package must also be installed. Edit $PYSPARSE/Doc/pysparse/source/ to specify the location of jsMath.

To re-generate the html documentation,

cd $PYSPARSE/Doc/pysparse
make html

where Doc is a subdirectory of the top Pysparse directory. You can then point your browser to the file build/index.html.

Similarly, to re-generate the pdf documentation,

cd $PYSPARSE/Doc/pysparse
make latex
cd build/latex
make all-pdf

This creates Pysparse.pdf in the current directory. Obviously, you need to have a working LaTeX distribution installed.